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Friday was my lucky day. By accident I found the 2016 filmonline - brilliant quality and with Czech dubbing (Czech is one ofthe languages I understand and even speak) that was made for theCzech broadcast on HBO. Even though I wanted to order the DVD andwatch the movie with the original sound, I couldn't resist and hadto see it as soon as I could. I still want to order the DVD to hearthe original voices, but the dubbing was (surprisingly) not thatbad.
Clearly, programs like The Hidden God and the International Buddhist Film Festival point to a fascination in the medium as a tool for spiritual inspiration. And Spiritual Cinema Circles success speaks to the failure of the mainstream movie industry to satisfy filmgoers spiritual hunger. But filmmakers and film lovers alike would do well to remember that, just as spiritual literature didnt begin with The Celestine Prophecy, spiritual cinema has been around virtually since the mediums invention.
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