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Kotor Level Cap Remover

Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone had knowledge of x86 assembly or using an Interactive Dissassenbler (IDA) because I sure don't and I'm learning it but am a complete beginner. I wanted to change the hard coded material in the swkotor.exe which permits a leveling cap at level 20. This level cap is annoying in my opinion and wish we could make it higher. This is slightly off topic but I also wish I could change the party system to have more party members without replacing the original ones in recruitment mods but the party system like the level cap, is hard coded. This hard coded material in the game is exactly what I'm asking people for help for. Makes me wonder if someone already changed the level cap or party system with a IDA and hex editor and just never publicly released the mod or the information about how they did it. Let's say I opened the swkotor.exe with IDA, how would I go about looking for where the hard coded material is for the level cap? And is it possible that there is more than one instance of the level cap in place, basically saying is there more than one instance of hard coded material that holds the level cap in place? I really need someone who knows how to use x86 assembly. Thank you for reading this and for your time. Any help, feedback, or response would be greatly appreciated.

my understanding that it is Hardcoded but you can "slow" the procession of the levels by expanding the experience points required on exptable. also you can increase the Force powers increase or decrease by classpowergain table.

Kotor Level Cap Remover

Canderis is back with us here at KotOR Files with a modification for the first Knights of the Old Republic game, what his latest creation does is to draw out the time it takes to level up. This is the modders solution to the fact you will have reached the max level for the game well before the games conclusion. This would also be considerably useful for those who have story line mods installed and didn't want to reach the maximum level earlier than the PC can already reach in game. This is only a beta, so it may contain a few issues, but for those who had issues with the levelling cap this may well provide a solution you were looking for.Enjoy! -- jonathan7Please leave the author praise and constructive criticism; which are often far more valuable than rating mods...Mod Rating: Basic

Hi, yep that's right I want to de-level my character, then give back exp/lvls to bring them back to the current level. What I want to do is make some different level up choices without replaying everything I've done up to this point.So I know about addlevel and addexp cheat codes.

However, I cannot seem to figure out how to remove levels or experience this way. In KoToR and in NWN I was able to use these codes to de-level my character. This was done by using a negative value for the code. So for example addexp -20000 would remove 20000 experience and consequently remove all the levels attained, the skills, feats, etc. I could then grant that same experience and be able to level up my character again, choosing different options.Trying to use a negative value does not seem to be working however. So I'm wondering if there is another method I can use.Please note, I did try a save game editor, but it did not have the intended effect I was looking for.thanks for any assistance.

In KoToR and in NWN I was able to use these codes to de-level my character. This was done by using a negative value for the code. So for example addexp -20000 would remove 20000 experience and consequently remove all the levels attained, the skills, feats, etc.

Originally posted by:You can perfectly take Visas or any other companion. I'm not sure but i don't think there's a max level. However you'll probably not exceed 25.Paulo's right. Even in the original, the highest I think I ever got was 25.maybe 26 if I fought the Handmaidens Sisters on Telos and used the glitch on Korriban to keep spawning Hssis. Since TSLRCM removed that glitch, 25 might be as high as you can go. The thing to remember is the higher your level, the more experience it takes to level up.

Note: if you can't find your 'swkotor.ini' file by following the steps above, try following this path instead: Library > Application Support > Knights of the Old Republic. Your 'swkotor.ini' file might be hiding in there if you're playing on Mac via Steam. Once you've found it, pick up with the bullet point in the list above that starts with the words 'Right click'.

In your game folder, (i.e. C:Program FilesLucasArtsSWKotOR), edit swkotor.ini and under [Game Options] add EnableCheats=1 Then when playing press ' to bring down console and enter any of these cheats below:(number) = eg. 10 up to 999 healsettreatinjury (number) setcomputeruse (number) setdemolitions (number) setstealth (number) setawareness (number) setpersuade (number) setrepair (number) setsecurity (number) setstrength (number) setdexterity (number) setconstitution (number) setintelligence (number) setwisdom (number) setcharisma (number) addexp (number) turbo invulnerability restartminigame bright addlightside (number) adddarkside (number) revealmap givecredits (number) giveitem (item name) givemed giverepair givecomspikes givesitharmor (number) warp infiniteuses whereami addlevel (number) dancedancemalak

She will complain about Holdan getting a bit drunk and trying to make a move on her, forcing her to defend herself. A few days later, as she found out, Holdan had put a Bounty on her head. When that is done, Make your way to the Lower City Cantina and speak with Holdan. A pretty high Persuade skill for your level is needed to make him drop the bounty completely, but a nice 200 Credits will persuade him to remove it. Also if you fail in persuasion Bastila will use force persuade to make him remove the bounty.

Is the SWTOR Subscription worth it? A SWTOR Subscriber receives significant benefits compared to a Free-to-Play (F2P) and/or Preferred Player. Things like maximum number of crew skills available, unlimited access to all gameplay features and story content, no limits on resources, freedom to earn and equip the top EndGame gear, quicker and more fluid leveling experience and more.

With the release of Game Update 6.0 and the digital expansion Onslaught BioWare changed the free-to-play level cap from 50 to 60. You can now play through the first two expansions (Rise of the Hutt Cartel and Shadow of Revan) of the game for free.

You can access so much of the game while playing for free, including all eight of the original class stories, and the first two expansions are now also free. The drawback to playing free is that there are lots of small annoying restrictions like only being allowed to hold so many credits, not getting the best armor, and being locked out of some of the endgame high-level activities, but as far as things go, SWTOR has one of the best free demos out there.

As a low level character, a majority of the free-to-play and or preferred restrictions you face will be convenience-based. None of them will stop you from playing and enjoying the main storyline for free, and as you play you will have to decide if you are willing to put up with the restrictions and continue playing without having to pay, if want to subscribe to remove the restrictions, or if you want to instead go play a game with a different subscription model. Most veteran players believe that the free-to-play model offers a lot in the way of hundreds of hours of gameplay and is worth either subscribing to or putting up with the many convenience restrictions as a free player, while other players do not like that the game has convenience restrictions at all and would rather play a true unlimited free-to-play game.

Preferred players will have a lot more options available on top of all those F2P activities, depending on what the last expansion they unlocked was and what level their characters are. Preferred players can check out all the same activities as free-to-play players, but they might also have access to story expansion quests and additional planets and reputation tracks. What exactly you have available will depend on what the last expansion you unlocked was.

You can defeat anything on taris wiith no more than a level 4 character, even Bendak Starkiller (use shields and grenades), even with a Scout, which is the least efefctive in up-front combat (no AC bonuses, lousy armor).

I would like to know if there is some way to turn this off? This thing is exactly the reason why I stopped playing Guildwars 2. All lowlevel mobs took ages to kill, which is ridiculous when you are supposed to be immensely more powerful than them.

Not that it affects me much, but a number of people complain because certain gear is now difficult/impossible to obtain conveniently. Pre-4.0, many FPs had unique gear drops, and some people liked to use them, so it was easy to run the FP solo and get it (for the looks, not the stats). The new solo modes don't drop this loot. Also, open world mobs used to drop gear at their level (and like FPs, some of this gear was aesthetically desirable). Level-synced mobs drop loot at the players's level, which makes grinding for specific looks difficult/impossible once you outlevel the area.

But isn't that so awesome! I mean I kinda like heroic grinding at 65 and getting artifact gear from a level 11 boss. Sweet. If I can't wear it (usually the case) I can sell it for good credz. This makes me extremely happy.

Sadly not, somewhere in the design decision to make all of the old content relevant again they seem to have forgotten that some of the old content already was relevant (such as flashpoints to collect certain looks). None of this is possible now unless you are actually at level and get lucky with a drop.

* Level sync applies globally. All areas on a planet have the same sync scaled based on the top of the planet's level range. It would have made a lot more sense if it could have been a regional setting. Earlier zone on the starter planet with level 3 enemies? Later zone on the starter planet with level 7 enemies? Story instance where you're expected to return to the starter planet as a level 30? Story instance where you're ending the 1-50 class story with a fight on the starter planet? Dread Seed areas on various planets? Sync every one of these cases independently to be appropriate for their exact level of content. Apply a somewhat more lenient sync for regular areas and a somewhat stricter sync for heroic areas. 2ff7e9595c

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